Sunday, November 3, 2013

28 October - 3 November 2013



  • Anglophone countries have led the way in reforming tax administration in Africa, considerably more so than their francophone peers. The reasons for this are numerous. Networks of international tax specialists are based mainly in English-speaking countries. Many of the modern systems that promote best practice within tax authorities were developed in anglophone countries, especially Australia. International donors, and particularly the UK's Department for International Development (DFID), have directly and indirectly promoted a lot of reform of national tax authorities. In fact, this has been one of the success stories of British aid.

    tags: rwanda burundi tax tax reform state building DFID report

  • Rwanda moved up 22 places in the latest ease of doing business survey index released yesterday by the World Bank. The new ranking saw the nation move from the 54th to the 32nd position worldwide in a survey that involves the world's leading 189 economies. Burundi moves up 11 places

    tags: rwanda burundi doing business world bank analysis report



  • Rwanda. Racisme et génocide | Editions Belin
  • Le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda en 1994 est emblématique de la catastrophe qui a frappé toute l’Afrique des Grands Lacs depuis une vingtaine d’années. Il n’a été le fruit ni d’une fureur conjoncturelle, ni d’une fatalité ethnographique ou biologique, mais il est le produit très moderne d’une option extrémiste, jouant du racisme comme arme de contrôle du pouvoir. En effet, cette mise en condition de tout un pays aurait été impossible sans l’inscription durable dans la culture de cette région d’Afrique d’une idéologie racialiste, discriminant, sous les étiquettes hutu et tutsi, des autochtones et des envahisseurs, le « vrai peuple » rwandais majoritaire et une « race de féodaux ». Ce livre décrypte la construction de cette idéologie, trop méconnue, qui oppose les « vrais Africains » à des « faux nègres », ceux qu’on a appelés les Hamites depuis les années 1860 dans la littérature africaniste. Cette maturation se situe à la fois en Europe, dans l’histoire de l’anthropologie, et en Afrique, dans la logique des politiques coloniales, et elle se joue sur deux siècles, donc bien en amont de la crise des années 1990, et jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Le schéma racial dit « hamitique » est né de la même matrice intellectuelle que celui opposant Aryens et Sémites, qui a embrasé l’Europe dans les années 1930-1940.

            tags: rwanda racisme genocide ideology history anthropology analysis book

  • The Government has launched a historical web site that archives and documents the past, present and the future events in the country. Rwandapedia breaks new ground by collecting into one place the documents, images, videos and audio recordings that together tell the story of Rwanda’s development. Funded by the African Development Bank, the project showcases advances across the social, economic and governance sectors as well as key cultural and historical events in Rwanda.

    tags: rwanda rwandapedia data PR website report

  • Until 1994 Rwanda’s post-colonial history was marked by episodes of political violence, attempted wars, and wars of different durations. Feeding the violence was the absence of an elite consensus about how best to take Rwanda forward after  colonial rule ended, the rules for doing so, and the roles to be played by the holders and losers of power. This paper explores key aspects of Rwanda’s political evolution from independence to-date. The critical stages are the events popularly known as the  1959 social revolution that preceded independence in 1962; the period from 1962 to the overthrow of Kayibanda’s First Republic in 1973; from the Habyarimana-led military coup to 1994; and the Rwanda Patriotic Front -led post-genocide period. The paper examines the different political coalitions that have ruled the country since independence, their impact on political stability and their role in catalysing or influencing the cycles of turmoil with which it is associated. In the case of the current coalition, this paper also provides a glimpse into the efforts they have made to promote the wellbeing of ordinary Rwandans. It first charts the historical origins and the current state of drivers of instability and elite fragmentation. It then identifies the nature of interactions between drivers of instability and political settlements over time, and their impact on governance and the pursuit of development. 

    tags: rwanda power history political settlement governance analysis

  • In the years since the genocide, the Government of Rwanda has contributed significant financial resources to the re-establishment and development of its public higher education sector. This investment has largely been justified in terms of the contribution of university graduates to the country’s vision of becoming a service-based knowledge economy, capable of reducing its reliance on foreign aid and technical assistance. Implicit in this vision for the future is an assumption that a university education will help students to improve in their ability to think critically about problems and to use evidence when making decisions. This study empirically investigated this assumption by administering a version of the Collegiate Learning Assessment – a performance-task-based test of critical thinking, adapted for use in Rwanda – to a random sample of 220 students enrolled at three of Rwanda’s most prestigious public institutions. Assessment results were supplemented with in-depth case studies at two of the institutions involved in the study. Results of the study suggest that Rwandan students are not significantly improving in their critical thinking ability during their time at university. 

    tags: rwanda education higher education critical thinking public education reform PHD analysis


  • ​Poised at the intersection between childhood and the world of adults, adolescent girls face unique challenges to the full development and exercise of capabilities. This country briefing draws on first-hand information, opinions and experiences from adolescent girls and boys, family and community members, district officials and national stakeholders to examine how social norms operate and impact on girls’ abilities to achieve their full life capabilities in Uganda.

    tags: uganda girls youth childhood gender justice analysis briefing