Monday, February 3, 2014

27 January - 3 February 2014

  • While Burundi had made substantial progress in overcoming formidable political, security and development challenges, the Government must show more “visionary leadership” than ever in protecting those gains as it worked to complete its peacebuilding process, the senior United Nations official in that country told the Security Council today.

    tags: burundi leadership security council peace-building report

  • La fiscalité figure parmi les priorités actuelles de l’Afrique. Sur le plan international, des groupes de défense ainsi que le G8 revendiquent une action plus soutenue pour lutter contre les multinationales coupables d’évasion ou de fraude fiscales. Dans de nombreux pays d’Afrique subsaharienne, une campagne similaire – sinon plus urgente – est menée dans le but d’améliorer la capacité de l’État de percevoir ses revenus fiscaux. Au Burundi, les perspectives d’une amélioration dans l’administration des impôts n’auraient pu être de plus mauvais augure. En 2009, après la fin d’une guerre civile qui avait coûté la vie à plus de 200 000 personnes, le Burundi avait le PIB par habitant le plus faible du monde: soit 150 $US. 80% de la population vivait en dessous du seuil de pauvreté avec moins de 1 dollar par jour. L’Indice de la Corruption de Transparency International pour l’Afrique de l’Est classait le Burundi en tête des pays les plus corrompus de la région. Et son administration fiscale a été désignée comme étant l’institution la plus corrompue.

    tags: burundi taxes corruption reform analysis


  • The Washington Post’s foreign affairs blogger Max Fisher (about whose infatuation with coloured maps we blogged before here and here) posted an entry earlier this week entitled: ‘A worrying map of countries most likely to have a coup in 2014′. It is based on the work of political scientist Jay Ulfelder. The post includes a coloured map of the globe with countries coloured from light yellow to dark brown. And as you might guess, the darker the country, the more likely it will see a violent overthrow of the government some time this year.

    tags: congo rwanda burundi uganda coups predictions analysis


            With primary school attendance at nearly 100%, Rwanda's education minister sets his sights on improving quality             and tackling the country's high youth unemployment rates

            tags: rwanda education development professionals report

  • United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai commended the Rwandan Government on its economic development in the 20 years since the 1994 genocide, but urged that undue restrictions on the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association be lifted so that the country can expand its achievements to the fields of multiparty democracy and human rights.

    tags: rwanda human rights repression decent democratization UN report

  • Since the genocide which devastated the country and claimed more than half a million lives in 1994, Rwanda has made great strides in rebuilding its infrastructure, developing its economy, and delivering public services. But civil and political rights remain severely curtailed, and freedom of expression is tightly restricted. In addition to the repression of critical voices inside Rwanda, dissidents and real or perceived critics outside the country—in neighboring Uganda and Kenya, as well as farther afield in South Africa and Europe—have been victims of attacks and threats. 

    tags: rwanda repression human rights international report

  • In 2013, Rwanda’s economy struggled to keep up with the pace experienced in 2012 following the aid cuts by development partners the previous year, although macroeconomic stability was maintained.

    tags: rwanda economy world bank donors M23 report

  • Les FDLR cessent officiellement les hostilités contre le Rwanda, affirme le secrétaire exécutif par intérim des rebelles hutus rwandais. Selon le colonel Wilson Iratageka, le mouvement a officiellement déposé les armes depuis le 30 décembre dernier. Le groupe installé depuis plus de deux décennies dans l'est de la RDC est particulièrement ciblé ces derniers temps par la mission des Nations unies dans la région.

    tags: rwanda FDLR war hostilities report

  • In spite of the violent episodes of its recent past, Rwanda is a country that is pedaling forward towards the future with the help of a team of young and inspiring cyclists.

    tags: rwanda cycling report

  • Gacaca trials raise the question of whether a transitional justice mechanism instituted at the community level can successfully reconcile and bring justice to postconflict states. In this article, we assess ordinary Rwandans’ attitudes towards gacaca to better understand this institution’s contribution. Our 2011 survey of 504 Rwandans from Ngoma Commune is the first empirical study since the end of regular gacaca trials. In it we find that respondents hold conflicting views of gacaca’s overall success. The majority of survey participants expressed support in response to more global questions, but dissatisfaction with gacaca in response to more specific questions, including regarding security and the credibility of confessions. Rather than dismiss positive global assessments, we suggest that divergent attitudes show popular support for the idea of gacaca and aspirations for its legacy, but dissatisfaction with its actual operation.

    tags: rwanda gacaca transitional justice reconciliation truth-telling impact evaluation analysis

  • After a brief overview of the Rwandan conflict and the process that led to the modernization of the gacaca, this contribution first analyses the actual competence of the gacaca courts. The findings suggest that these courts were unable to deal with civil war violence, revenge killings by Tutsi civilians and crimes committed by the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA), the Tutsi-dominated rebel force that ended the genocide and took over power in 1994. These crimes were not only not prosecuted by the court system, they were hardly evoked in the space of the courts. Secondly, this contribution explores the consequences of the shaping of the gacaca competence in practice. Fieldwork findings suggest that the dissonance between popular embodied experiences and understandings of the conflict on the one hand and the government-controlled and government-produced way of dealing with the past, at the practical and interpretative levels, constitutes an obstacle to legitimize the post-genocide socio-political order.

    tags: rwanda gacaca RPF crimes analysis


  • Uganda's government says it doubts rebel leader Joseph Kony is serious about peace after he purportedly sent a letter asking for forgiveness and calling for talks.

    tags: uganda kony peace talks ICC report

  • The World Food Programme says it urgently needs more funds to help South Sudanese refugees. Many of them mothers and children in dire need of food aid. The UN agency has been assisting the tens of thousands of refugees who have arrived in the neighboring Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya since fighting erupted in the country in mid December. Maria Galang reports.

    tags: uganda refugees sudan WFP video

  • Detailed analyses of historic and recent information on active and abandoned gold mines and alluvial workings in combination with new regional geochronology, documentation and interpretation of the lithostratigraphy, structural setting, hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation, and geochemistry of mineralised rocks have formed the basis for the definition of four major gold districts in Uganda: (1) the Busia gold district hosted in the Neoarchean Busia-Kakamega granite–greenstone belt in the SE of Uganda, which contains the structurally controlled mesozonal Tira gold mine; (2) the Mubende gold district in the Paleoproterozoic Rwenzori fold belt in central Uganda, which hosts the structurally controlled metasediment-hosted mesozonal Kamalenge and Kisita gold mines; (3) the Buhweju-Mashonga gold district in SW Uganda, which contains the vein hosted Pb–Zn–Au Kitaka mine, the structurally controlled intrusion-hosted mesozonal Mashonga gold mine and the structurally controlled sandstone-hosted mesozonal Muti and Kanywambogo mines; and (4) the Karamoja gold district, which is hosted in reworked Archean basement rocks and/or in the upper amphibolite–lower granulite facies rocks of the Neoproterozoic Mozambique fold belt in NE and W Uganda and in the northern part of the Karamoja gold district containing numerous hypozonal shear zone-controlled gold workings. Future studies, including geological mapping at all scales, geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and chemical and mineralogical studies of mineralised samples, will help clarify the distribution and origin of diverse gold systems in this poorly understood part of Africa.

    tags: uganda gold mining exploration gold systems mapping analysis