Saturday, September 28, 2013

16-22 September 2013

  • S’il y a une « qualité » qu’il faut reconnaître à notre justice, c’est sa capacité à sélectionner les criminels à poursuivre, cette amnésie de certains épisodes et acteurs de nos tragédies. Pourquoi Gatumba et oublier Bugendana, Buta, Teza … Et l’on pourrait même remonter plus loin dans notre triste histoire : 1993, 1988, 1972, 1969 … La liste est loin d’être exhaustive malheureusement.

    tags: Burundi Rwasa history violence transitional justice editorial opinion

  • Les points obscurs de notre histoire ne s’arrêtent pas aux conflits ethniques entre les Bahutu et les Batutsi. Les Batwa et les Baganwa ont eu aussi leur part. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais m’arrêter sur un document exceptionnel rédigé par Charles Ndizeye à l’adresse de son père le roi Mwambutsa IV

    tags: burundi history ndizeye politics report

  • Des habitants de Mutambara qui avaient fui le pays en 1972 réclament les terres de paysannat qu’ils exploitaient depuis longtemps. Leurs occupants soutiennent que c’est l’Etat qui les y a installés, en « détenteurs ». Il en va de même des anciens, qui y furent installés par le même Etat, eux aussi en détenteurs. L’administrateur communal les renvoie à la Commission Nationale des Terres et autres Biens (CNTB) mais le code foncier désigne explicitement une autre commission-la Commission Foncière Nationale – de création récente, pour arbitrer tout litige qui naîtra de l’application de l’article unique du code foncier qui dispose sur les paysannats. Regards perplexes sur une situation complexe !

    tags: burundi land peasantry CNTB 1972 report

  • These elections had very little to do with democratic political competition.  People couldn’t even elect individual candidates. They voted for parties who will appoint the MPs  representing the people. Most critics of the current Rwandan regime consider the results of these elections as hardly relevant because they took place in  an entirely controlled political environment. I don’t agree with that. I think the results are relevant. Of course, the elections will not reveal anything about the power balance between political parties, visions or strategies. But they were not meant to do that.  They might, however, tell us something about the power balance within the RPF. Kagame’s regime has, on several occasions, been under heavy fire in recent years and this has caused a lot of internal tensions.

    tags: rwanda parliamentary elections analysis opinion

  • The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels are back in the news. They are said to be conscripting children as  young as five years, according to a video clip the Uganda People's Defence Forces released recently. But way back  on Saturday August 16, 1997, the ADF rebels abducted students of St. John the Evangelist Minor Seminary, Kiburara, Kasese district.   BRIGHT ANTHONY MALERE was one of them. He recounts the harrowing experience and his escape from captivity

    tags: Uganda ADF rebels report

  • Left Behind: The Case for Disability-Inclusive Development | Huffington Post 

    Nepal and many other countries have made important progress toward achieving universal primary education, as part of their commitment to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). But because the goals are not grounded in a human rights framework, make no reference to an inclusive and non-discriminatory approach, and have no specific goals or targets for people with disabilities, this group has been left behind as development has moved forward. The problem is not limited to education. Worldwide, people with disabilities are excluded from development activities and deprived of the benefits of development. For example, in northern Uganda, we interviewed numerous women with disabilities but found only one woman with who had benefited from government development projects mandated to support farmers with disabilities and other marginalized groups. Most women with disabilities we interviewed were not even aware that the programs existed.

    tags: uganda development human rights disability analysis advocacy 

  • Bwindi study shows poverty is not major cause of wildlife loss | The Independent 

    The first findings of a project that aims to help low-income communities benefit more from living near Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, where conservation priorities can impose limits on their livelihoods has dispelled perceptions that poor people who live closer to the park pose a danger to wildlife conservation efforts.

    tags: uganda bwindi poverty national park wildlife ecology analysis

  • Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders awards 2013 - the winners | Insight on Conflict

    Today we announce the winners of this year’s Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders competition. Out of 244 applications, from 54 countries, an international group of experts have found four of the most exciting and innovative peacebuilding organisations from around the world.

    tags: uganda drc peacebuilding awards insight

  • La voix forte et claire de Monique* s'élève au sein d'une petite chorale animée et composée de jeunes, à l'extérieur d'une église dans la ville reculée de Dungu au cœur de l'Afrique. Elle et ses amis répètent la messe de dimanche en tapant des mains et en dansant. Mais, il y a à peine quatre ans, la jeune fille de 18 ans ne chantait ni ne dansait. Elle pensait qu'elle allait mourir.

    tags: congo uganda LRA sexual violence slavery report

  • Forest Communities Draw a REDD Line | Inter Press Service

    As the ink dries on a 3.6 million dollar agreement between Uganda and the World Bank to support the country’s preparations for REDD, some analysts are pessimistic over the mechanism’s potential. REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation) was formally agreed to at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations in Bali, Indonesia in 2007. REDD is intended to reward the preservation of forests with carbon credits which can be sold to polluting companies in the North wishing to offset their harmful emissions. (REDD+, agreed later, extends the concept beyond forests and plantations to include agriculture.)

    tags: Uganda World Bank Aid Climate Change Environment Green Economy Natural Resources Policy Analysis

  • Ivory beyond the LRA: why a broader focus is needed in studying poaching – By Kristof Titeca | African Arguments

    Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the LRA’s involvement in ivory trade. This was sparked off by the Enough report ‘Kony’s ivory’ released in June, which described the LRA’s ivory activities in Garamba Park, North-Eastern DRC. The report was followed by a range of articles highlighting how ‘tusks fund terror’; and further elaborated in other reports. All of these highlight how the LRA “gains vital resources through its participation in the illegal ivory trade” – as the Enough report summarized (p.11). Yet, narrowing down the ivory problem in and around Garamba Park to the LRA is problematic for several reasons. Most importantly, in order to effectively address the ivory issue, it is crucial to understand the functioning of the commodity chain in and around Garamba Park. Below I discuss a few basic points about this commodity chain, based on ongoing field research, in order to contextualize the LRA’s engagement in ivory.

    tags: uganda congo LRA poaching ivory analysis

  • The 2013 Progress Report on Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed shows that major progress has been made in lowering child mortality in all regions of the world and at all levels of national income. Nonetheless, even bigger gains are needed if the world is to meet Millennium Development Goal 4 – reducing under-5 mortality by two thirds by 2015. UNICEF’s Web series on A Promise Renewed focuses on some of the successful and innovative programmes that have helped save the lives of millions of children around the world. A blend of tradition and innovation has helped make a drastic difference in the survival rate of Ugandan children, over the past generation.

    tags: uganda child deaths mortality tradition innovation policy UNICEF report