Saturday, September 28, 2013

9-15 September 2013


  • Despite existing local expertise and strategies in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to build peace-supporting structures at the community level, official debates and media coverage continue to focus predominantly on military interventions. “Local actors work in isolation and their actions are not part of a global peacebuilding process in the DRC. Their recommendations and their work on the ground are not taken into account,” Eric Malolo from Reseau Haki na Amani (RHA), a network of civil society organisations, told IPS.

    tags: congo peacebuilding grassroots analysis policy

  • The phrase "political process" has attained holy status in UN parlance––it is sometimes bandied about as a catch-all solution for everything. (An organization I used to work for even had an acronym they often used: SFURPP––Shut the **** Up and Respect the Political Process). But what does it actually mean?

    tags: congo m23 kampala talks analysis

  • On Saturday, Joseph Kabila opened the Concertations nationales in Kinshasa with this speech, and the first plenary is supposed to take place today. But the political elite in Kinshasa is deeply divided, with some opposition members boycotting the proceedings. While the concertations were initially intended to foster national unity following the debacle of the 2011 elections, it now appears that they are more about positioning ahead of the upcoming 2016 elections. How so? 

    tags: congo national consultations kabila analysis

  • Africa’s cities are growing – and changing – rapidly. Without appropriate planning, they will become increasingly chaotic, inefficient and unsustainable. In many countries, planning legislation dates back to the colonial era. It is ill-equipped to deal with contemporary urban problems. A shortage of urban planning and management professionals trained to respond to urban complexity with progressive pro-poor approaches exacerbates urban dysfunction.As planning educators seek to train students for employment within the existing system, the urban and rural planning curricula of many planning schools are as outdated as planning legislation. Some African countries have no planning school. The reform and revitalisation of planning education – and legislation – could contribute significantly to sustainable and more equitable urban development in sub-Saharan Africa.

    tags: africa cities Rwanda planning policy urban growth analysis

  • Strategy set to propel Rwanda to middle income economy On 8th May 2013 Cabinet approved the Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS2). The elaboration process was launched in February 2012 by His Excellency President Paul Kagame. The EDPRS2 was developed through a participatory approach that included wide consultations with the public and various stakeholders. The strategy follows the successful implementation of EDPRS I (2008 – 2012) which registered a unique hat trick of; high growth (8.2%), poverty reduction and reduction in inequality. This resulted in more than one million people being lifted out of poverty and made important strides towards the achievement of the Vision 2020 and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). EDPRS2 targets to transform Rwanda into a middle income economy. This will be achieved through accelerated growth averaging 11.5% from 2013 to 2018 and reduced poverty from 44.9% to 30% over the same period. These targets are set to be achieved through four thematic areas and foundational issues that include: Economic Transformation, Rural Development, Productivity and Youth Employment as well as Accountable Governance. The Strategy will put a strong focus on growing the private sector, increasing exports, urbanization and rural development, increasing agriculture productivity, creating jobs especially for the youth and improving efficiency in service delivery in both public and private sectors.

    tags: rwanda EDPRS development poverty cabinet policy policy document